Environmental issues facing our planet can often feel disheartening. There is a sense of overwhelm and negativity around the state of our planet’s health. I do what I can to change this. I do it by not letting the negative news rule my life. I choose when I listen to the news, or learn more about issues facing our planet. I don’t do this every day, but I take time to do it, when I feel up for it.
I also focus on the positive. I am an optimist, and everywhere I look I see the amazing and beautiful way our planet is flourishing. I focus on that. I then look at what I can do and take action. This is the part that at times feels like I am never doing enough. But I often have to remind my self that…
As you may or may not know. I am a sailor. I live on a 32 foot sailboat and am about to set sail and use the wind to take me from Fremantle, Western Australia up to Indonesia. I am prettty excited to share about what we are doing to contribute our bit while we are at sea!
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
— Margaret Mead
Don’t know where to start? Check out these links for some inspiration: